Wednesday, May 02, 2007

More NBA Racism

A recent study suggests that black referees in the National Basketball Association are in fact racist.

It turns out that they call fewer fouls on black players than other referees do.

Some academics at UPenn, actually used the same data to conclude that white referees are the racists because they call more fouls on black players. (link)

An academic study of NBA officiating found that white referees called fouls at a greater rate against black players than against white players, The New York Times reported on its Web site Tuesday night.

Clearly, since both conclusions are possible from the research, the "study" is complete garbage.

The Morons at the NBA decided to criticize the data mining methodology, saying that the nerds couldn't even count which particular ref called each foul - all they had to go on were the names (and races) of the officiating crew and the individual game tallies.

But this is a ridiculous criticism. Just assume the quantitative results of the study are true, and retort with my conclusion of black refs being lenient on black players, arguably a de facto act of racism against non-black players.

This study, and I use that term loosely, like most propaganda, took the bricolage route. They also slung against the wall the overall statistic that black players get called for more fouls than whites. This datum is supposed to somehow buttress their racism accusation against white referees?

Let's see - white guys stand around outside and shoot three-pointers while black guys are taller and mix it up underneath the basket. Who the heck who you expect to commit more fouls?

If anyone can't see the transparent race-baiting agenda of this study, then they are an absolute, complete Moron.

Black professional basketball players score a lot more points than white players.

Doesn't that imply the scorekeepers are biased against white guys that can't jump?

There will never be an adult national dialogue on race in this country so long as taxpayer monies are funding bullsh*t studies and the Associated Press is propagating them.

(See also an old post, NBA Salaries, A Medley of Socialism and Racism.)

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