Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trades- April 14th, 2009

Now that my taxes are paid, the inlaws gone, and the house almost clean....I can get back to work. [Note to heathens - it just was Easter the other day.]

Though honestly, I'm trying not to look at the market (my computer). I'm extremely short - and bleeding at the moment. If it were possible to fast-forward life a couple of months I'd take it in a second. In other words, I'm long-term confident in my position but I'm not exactly enjoying the ride thus far. There's simply no difference between being *early* and being *wrong* when trading.

Today I increased my FAZ by another 33% at 8.90.

And tomorrow I will try, yet again, not to look at the market all day.


Anonymous said...

geez, how big of a position in FAZ do you have now. You have to be above 20,000 shares by now.

In another month or even sooner you should reap some serious green.

CaptiousNut said...

My first buy in the mid 80s was 20,000 shares!!!

Taylor Conant said...

I have like 60 FAZ... I'm so hammered, I bought it at 60, 40 and 20.

No kidding on the "early = wrong" account. It doesn't matter if I turn out to be right, I got in at the WRONG prices and FAZ would have to more than quintuple or so from where it is now just for me to make a lil' munny.


Sorry to bring you down with me on that one.

Anonymous said...


You are a maniac. Here I have been walking around with my tail between my legs and sulking because of Faz. My old lady even asked me recently, how I became so jaded. My last purchase was $16.25 and started in the 60's like Taylor. I still own the position but written off my losses. Easier to do this then think about it anymore. Seriously though, do you partake in counseling during times like these?

CaptiousNut said...

I have 13.5 years of solid experience losing money.

Tough to compete with that!

[Unless you're a government entity....]

Taylor Conant said...

C and KF,

I've lately taken to bragging that I am superior to the govt in the wealth destruction department!

Taylor Conant said...


Only the inheritance of my unborn children...